Mary Graff Healing Ministries

Our new mobile-friendly website
is under construction!

The new version will be "responsive"--easy to read on a cell phone, a broad screen, or anything in between. Meanwhile, you can still get to the ministry's online essentials.

Click here. . .

. . . to access over 300 of Mary's teachings that we've posted on Vimeo. The most recent teachings are at the top of the list. Everything is easy to watch online, easy to download, and free of charge.

Click here. . .

. . . for an updated version of our classic website. It's not mobile-friendly, unfortunately, but it's still a prime source of testimonies, prayers that work, and brief instructions on how to access the Lord's healing power.

Click here. . .

. . . if you're inspired to lend a hand with the ministry's expenses. Our brand-new PayPal connection works with any standard credit card.

Thanks, and stay tuned!